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Jewel - As a Child I Walked
As a child I walked with noisy fingers
along the hemline of so many meadows of back home.

Green fabric stretched out, shy earth, shock of sky.
I'd sit on logs like pulpets,
listen to the sermon of sparrows
and find god in simplicity
there amongst the dandelion and thorn.

Now I frequent hotel lobbies,
like a chain smoker having a bad day.
A nasty habit that breathes itself.
Delivering each day to the needy next.
Each with the promise of glitter and glory.

But how my tiny heart aches to return.
Like a daisy rooted in rot and rubbish
asked to grow in strange rooms.

Fed neon and cold pizza.
I fear I may wither with forgetfulness.

So I pull these pages close about my ears
Tiny, leafy limbs pale with impression.
My pen a single flame to keep me warm
like a beacon holding memory.

Until I am able to go back to my lovely mountains,
or until I am strong enough to bring their essence
to the rest of these hungry people
who long to remember the simplicity
which lies beyond the cities inbred streets
and the godliness which resides in us all.